Which cars are worst at passing their first MOT (Popular Models Only)

Vehicle Type:
Which MOT:

Cars take their first MOT test on the third anniversary of their registration and thereafter on the anniversary of their last MOT, which in this case is Model year 2021

‘Popular models only’ option includes vehicle models with more than 5000 MOT test results. ‘All models’ option includes vehicle models with more than 500 MOT test results.

We remove non-model specific issues (e.g. Tyres) from these failure stats. For example, if a car failed on just illegal tyres, we switch it from a fail to a pass.

MakeModelModel YearFuelPass %No# of testsWhy?
TOYOTAHI LUX2021diesel84.30%11143Common Failures
HYUNDAII102021petrol85.14%9614Common Failures
FORDRANGER2021diesel85.50%19884Common Failures
NISSANNAVARA2021diesel86.52%8420Common Failures
KIASPORTAGE2021hybrid86.63%10503Common Failures
VAUXHALLCORSA2021electric86.90%6412Common Failures
DACIADUSTER2021petrol86.94%7380Common Failures
KIASPORTAGE2021petrol87.36%22389Common Failures
VAUXHALLCORSA2021petrol87.93%43194Common Failures
PEUGEOT20082021electric88.02%5352Common Failures
HYUNDAIIONIQ2021hybrid88.12%9983Common Failures
PEUGEOT20082021petrol88.50%13719Common Failures
HYUNDAITUCSON2021petrol88.79%9984Common Failures
SKODAFABIA2021petrol88.91%10301Common Failures
FORDECOSPORT2021petrol89.35%6235Common Failures
FORDFOCUS2021diesel89.36%7469Common Failures
LAND ROVERDISCOVERY2021diesel89.76%12201Common Failures
HYUNDAIKONA2021hybrid89.95%9874Common Failures
PEUGEOT2082021petrol90.13%11999Common Failures
SEATARONA2021petrol90.15%14292Common Failures
JAGUARF-PACE2021diesel90.15%6101Common Failures
KIAXCEED2021petrol90.24%6218Common Failures
FORDFIESTA2021petrol90.24%35691Common Failures
MGHS2021petrol90.49%7731Common Failures
MGZS2021electric90.64%6343Common Failures
MG5 EXCLUSIVE2021electric90.73%5005Common Failures
TOYOTAPRIUS2021hybrid90.81%5071Common Failures
SKODAKAMIQ2021petrol91.02%9806Common Failures
MGZS2021petrol91.10%11343Common Failures
VOLKSWAGENPOLO2021petrol91.11%35312Common Failures
VAUXHALLMOKKA2021petrol91.14%11122Common Failures
VOLKSWAGENTIGUAN2021diesel91.21%8079Common Failures
VAUXHALLCROSSLAND2021petrol91.24%19699Common Failures
SEATIBIZA2021petrol91.33%9953Common Failures
MERCEDES BENZCLA2021petrol91.49%7508Common Failures
DACIASANDERO2021petrol91.50%7845Common Failures
SEATATECA2021petrol91.69%8820Common Failures
KIAPICANTO2021petrol91.85%12631Common Failures
FORDKUGA2021diesel91.94%14028Common Failures
MERCEDES BENZE-CLASS2021diesel91.95%5239Common Failures

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