PULSE Vehicle check
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Vehicle checkAmalgamated Vehicle checks of PULSE vehicles
Our proprietary algorithms have number crunched over 14,700 PULSE Vehicle checks and ranked the reasons that PULSEs fail their tests. Use this service to help find a new vehicle that’s right for you or get ready for your own PULSE's check.
Some examples of the most common issues are:Rear Drive chain sprocket worn to excess (6.1.7 (c) (i)) Occurs:15 times
Nearside Rear Direction indicator incorrect colour Occurs:31 times
Rear Direction indicator incorrect colour Occurs:18 times
Offside Rear Footrest missing (6.2.12 (a)) Occurs:20 times
All direction indicators not working (4.4.1 (a) (ii)) Occurs:12 times
Nearside Rear Direction indicator incorrect colour Occurs:31 times
Rear Footrest missing Occurs:29 times
Exhaust noise is clearly in excess of that emitted by a similar motor bicycle fitted with a standard silencer in average condition Occurs:12 times
Front Roller brake test indicates excessive fluctuation of brake effort Occurs:13 times
Rear Shock absorber has negligible damping effect (5.3.2 (b)) Occurs:27 times
Brake hose damaged Occurs:21 times
Throttle operating incorrectly Occurs:43 times
Rear Wheel bearing has excessive play (5.1.3 (a) (i)) Occurs:27 times
Nearside Rear Footrest missing (6.2.12 (a)) Occurs:19 times
Nearside Rear Direction indicators not working Occurs:59 times
Rear Brake excessively binding f Occurs:17 times
Horn not working (7.7 (a) (ii)) Occurs:28 times
Rear mono-shock pivot excessively worn Occurs:19 times
Exhaust noise is clearly in excess of that emitted by a similar motor bicycle fitted with a standard silencer in average condition Occurs:12 times
Rear Drive chain sprocket worn to excess (6.1.7 (c) (i)) Occurs:15 times
Front Position lamp not working (4.2.1 (a)) Occurs:43 times
Front wheel bearings have excessive free play Occurs:86 times
Rear Direction indicator incorrect colour Occurs:18 times
Headlamp not working on main beam (4.1.1 (a) (ii)) Occurs:45 times
Rear Rear reflector missing (4.8.2 (a) (ii)) Occurs:25 times
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