PONTIAC Vehicle check

Select from the list of PONTIAC models below or to perform a full vehicle check on your PONTIAC then use our popular KnowYourCar service here

Vehicle check

Amalgamated Vehicle checks of PONTIAC vehicles

Our proprietary algorithms have number crunched over 18,443 PONTIAC Vehicle checks and ranked the reasons that PONTIACs fail their tests. Use this service to help find a new vehicle that’s right for you or get ready for your own PONTIAC's check.

Some examples of the most common issues are:
Brake hose has insufficient room to move Occurs:13 times
Nearside Rear Suspension spring mounting prescribed area is excessively corroded  Occurs:30 times
Parking brake efficiency less than 50% of the required value (1.4.2 (a) (ii)) Occurs:20 times
Brakes imbalanced across an axle Occurs:176 times
Exhaust has a major leak of exhaust gases  Occurs:61 times
Rear fog lamp not working  Occurs:42 times
Nearside Front position lamp not working  Occurs:100 times
Emissions not tested  Occurs:33 times
Offside Rear Suspension spring mounting prescribed area is excessively corroded  Occurs:32 times
Offside Front Headlamp not working on dipped beam  Occurs:16 times
Exhaust has a major leak of exhaust gases  Occurs:61 times
Nearside Front Headlamp not working on dipped beam  Occurs:18 times
Offside Front position lamp incorrect colour  Occurs:50 times
Brake hose excessively deteriorated Occurs:68 times
Nearside Front position lamp incorrect colour  Occurs:52 times
Nearside Rear Direction indicator not working  Occurs:18 times
Windscreen wiper does not clear the windscreen effectively Occurs:444 times
Offside Front Headlamp not working on dipped beam  Occurs:16 times
Offside Front Suspension component mounting prescribed area is excessively corroded  Occurs:19 times
Rear Exhaust has a major leak of exhaust gases  Occurs:47 times
Nearside rear brake recording little or no effort  Occurs:25 times
Offside Front Headlamp not working on dipped beam  Occurs:16 times
Headlamp aim out of alignment Occurs:722 times
Rear Exhaust system not adequately supported  Occurs:12 times
Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide content excessive  Occurs:114 times
NEXT: Please select the PONTIAC model you are interested in

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